Do you love retail therapy? This cool app from Google is for you!

So we just learned about the new Google Catalogs app, and I’m so excited about it I just have to share it!

You know how Ikea puts their catalog up online on their website? They post it front and center so you can flip through each page, just like you would an old-school print copy. Pretty cool, right?

Well this is just like that, except now you can browse through catalogs from about 100 major retailers – think Sephora, Macy’s, Brooks Brothers, Pottery Barn – all from ONE FREE app on your iPad or tablet, which means you can shop from absolutely anywhere while you’re on the go.

Of course there’s tons of video content and lots of other cool extras that marketers will populate their catalogs with to make them irresistibly “engaging and interactive” (still the hottest buzz words today!). But the best thing about Google Catalogs is definitely the convenience.

You see a product you like –> you click for more information –> you buy it online or find a nearby store –> DONE!

Or if you’re anything like me and just love the thrill of window shopping, there’s a lot of pretty pictures for you to look at!

So why do I love the idea of Google Catalogs? It’s one more thing to keep me entertained while riding in trains, planes, automobiles, or from just about anywhere. PLUS I’m hoping there’s some really good coupons in these catalogs!!

The 5 Second Rule

Technically, it’s not the culinary type of mistake that advertisers make; it’s the less palatable kind and spoils easily. Some consumers might even develop an aversion to the stimuli, but that can totally be avoided with the 5 second rule. It’s crucial, it’s vital, it’s necessary and here at MOS Creative we make it delicious once again.

We’ve all heard the expression: “first impressions are usually the correct ones.” Well, this is soo true, especially for the ad world. You have 5 seconds to make the consumer 1) believe that this product will make them or their life better, 2) that they won’t find anything better and 3) their money and time is going to right place.

So how do you do this? Don’t let the value, originality, and creativity fall on the floor.

  • Make it clear
  • Make it fast
  • Make it real

Life is short. Make those seconds count.

You’ve Been A Bad, Bad Ad!

Next month, the FDA will be celebrating the first birthday of their brain child, the Bad Ad Program…

Whaaaat? You mean you’ve never heard of the Bad Ad program? Well, we wouldn’t blame you. Since the program began in May of 2010 there have been over 239 complaints. Nope, not 239,000… but 239 total.

The basic premise of this program is “to educate healthcare providers about the role they can play in helping the agency make sure that prescription drug advertising and promotion is truthful and not misleading” (source:

Launched by the FDA’s Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising and Communication, it has commissioned a small secret police, whoops, I mean agency, which takes into account the various sorts of advertising violations. Continue reading

Your Fear of Searching the Mobile Web has a Cure!

Don’t you hate when you’re surfing the web on your mobile phone, but the website does not fit perfectly on your screen? You may have to enlarge it and scroll to read the text, or try and zoom in? Looking at websites on your phone at times is not fun. However, there is a very simple answer to this conundrum. Web2Mobile, Inc. is the nations first mobile software in the United States that allows users build a mobile website in just three steps! Continue reading

Stop. Now read the next two questions.

Who am I? And why am I here?

These are the questions that circled through my mind as I read Ad Age this morning, as has become my habit to do just about every morning.

I especially love the “Small Agency Diary” articles because most of the things they talk about are experiences we’ve all had in the marketing world. It’s like my pals in Ad Age land have been spending time right here in our office.

But all I could think about as I read Derek Walker’s blog post this morning, “Who are you and why are you here?” was how would I answer that question?

It’s such a simple thing. A straightforward and direct request. Who are you? And now that I start to think about it, Derek is right in his point. You go to so many advertisers and marketers’ websites, and you get no idea about who they really are. What is their perspective and their raison d’etre? What do they think is their most powerful offering?

For goodness sakes, give us a little personality! I mean, as marketers we’re supposed to build brands and deliver messages for our clients. If we can’t tell you who we are and why we’re so special, how could you ever trust us with your own company’s image?

So with all of this reflection I digress. I take a step back to the MOS website and take a fresh look at how we represent ourselves as a company, as individuals, as creatives. And again I ask, Who am I? And why am I here?

Finally: Facebook brings you instant ads

Did you update your status recently?

Pay attention to the ads in the right column. You may soon notice an uncanny relevance to your instant desires. No, it’s not the universe giving you a sign. It’s Facebook’s newest advertising platform that is currently in testing (you know, a small study group of only 6 million users or so).

So what’s the big idea? It’s Facebook’s version of intent-based advertising. It basically delivers real-time ads based on your wall posts and status updates.

Here’s how it works. Let’s say you’ve got the munchies and update your status to, “Could really go for some pizza right now! Who’s in?”

You could get an instant ad or a coupon from Domino’s, Papa John’s or Pizza Hut. Continue reading

Looking to Blend in With the Crowd?

MOS Creative strives to make you STAND OUT.  But maybe that isn’t your goal.  Maybe you want to get lost in the crowd, and if so, we’ve got advice for that too.

Here’s how to NOT stand out:

-When choosing a name for your business, choose a name that means nothing at all. Think about how many company names you know of that sound like “Global Technology Solutions” or “X & Y Associates.”  Maybe simple names like this do mean something to you, but what do they say about your company?  Well, not much really.  So if you don’t want to STAND OUT, then by all means take this route.

-Be vague. When explaining what your business does and how you operate be generic.  Continue reading

What is Your Company’s Brand and What Does It Do for You?

Most simply put, your brand is your identity, the pieces which define your business, and its personality.  Some of the most globally recognized brands are Facebook, Apple, Coca-Cola and McDonalds.  When you hear these brands certain images and feelings come to mind almost instantly.  When you think of Apple you think of innovation, design, and the grey Apple logo.  Coca-Cola reminds us of the feeling of happiness (the basis of most of Coke ads) as well as the colors red and white.

Having a strong brand is one way you can STAND OUT from the competition.  Branding will create Continue reading

Super Bowl XLV: Ad Winners and Losers

Super Bowl XLV, the world’s second largest sporting event, was quite the eventful evening.  Besides the messed up National Anthem, a ridiculous halftime show, and fans without seats, it was a great Super Bowl.  On a night where companies spend millions of dollars for 30 seconds of your attention, some seemed to win us over while others fell flat on their face.

The Winners:

Doritos-House Sitting

Doritos has created some great ads over the years and that didn’t change this time around.  In this spot, Doritos have the power of bringing things back to life from a dead fish, a wilting plant, even Continue reading