For 24 years now, McDonald’s has used one of the most popular promotional games that will always seem to get people excited. This genius marketing idea lures people in with the chance of winning cash prizes, cars, vacations, gift certificates, as well as free food. It is extremely rare to see a promotional contest last this many years but I have a feeling this one is here to stay. Over the past few years the prizes have been getting larger and larger with the top prize being $1 million. This has only added to the hype as you can see advertisements about the monopoly game on TV, billboards, and hear them on the radio.
Students at the University of Michigan have gotten involved as they created their own blog about their McDonald’s Monopoly experience. They have vowed to keep track of their game pieces and statistics based on the winning percentages of each item they purchase. They want to find out if the more expensive items have a greater chance of winning as well as testing McDonald’s claim that one in four wins. Bargaineering, a personal finance blog, has even posted tips on how to win with the McDonald’s Monopoly game.
What is most exciting for the players is the vast amount of prizes offered by the game. McDonald’s has teamed up with EA Sports, Wal-Mart, Ford, Beaches Resorts, and several other companies to offer a wide variety of prizes in the U.S. The contest ends today, so if you’re looking to get that $1 Million top prize good luck. Although, the guys at University of Michigan say the cheapest item you can get a game piece on is a 24 cent medium water…happy hunting.