Nickname: “Ally”
She’s worked her way up the ranks from college intern to copy writing Project Manager of the entire creative team at MOS. This September marks her 2 year anniversary – make sure to wish her congrats when you see her!
First thing she does in the AM: Brush her teeth! This chipper lady is always ready to greet the team with a Crest smile.
Guiltiest pleasure: HGTV’s House Hunters. We love the suspense of a good apartment hunt!
What she loves about MOS: The people, especially the Creative Team.
Her personal style in 3 words: Eclectic, Bi-polar, seasonal – it’s a girl’s prerogative to change her mind.
How she got to where she is today: While working as Editor-in-Chief of “The Villager,” Stevenson University’s school newspaper, a fellow co-ed and former MOS intern brought Ally in for an interview. She clicked with the whole crew and the rest is Ad world history.
Her favorite place in the world (besides work) : The beaches of Southern Italy. Pass us a slice of mozzarella and we’ll gladly join!
Last thing she does at night: Listen to “The Secret Universal Mind“, a meditation CD to help her re-coop after busy days at the office.
Her life motto: “You don’t have to know the answer to everything, you just need to know where to find it.” -such wise words; we’re all working on this one!