Thawed Out Thursdays – Your Marketing Agency’s Tips on How to Grill the Perfect Steak

After playing Barbara Walters for the day, one thing was very clear – this office is a bunch of carnivores. Vegetarians need not apply. The unanimous vote put a perfectly cooked steak on the top of everyone’s all time food favorites.

With the summer winding down, it’s still the perfect weather for a friendly barbeque to kiss that sweltering heat wave goodbye.

To be the king of your grill, take our advice to swoon your taste buds:

1. Quality meats quantity

Even if you are feeding a large group, don’t try to skimp on the quality of your steak. It may seem like you are getting more slabs for less cash, but what you’re really getting is lots of fat that you wouldn’t want to feed your guests, let alone your dog. We suggest a rib eye, the thicker the better.

2. It’s Better to be a Hot Shot

Make sure your grill is turned up all the way before you let any of your precious meat come near the heat. Most steaks will require 10 minutes of cook time, but it all depends on how thick your cow bit is.

3. Flip-flops are IN.

Remember to flip your steak halfway through. So many people make the mistake of letting it sit on one side until it’s practically done – FAIL. Check your grillin’ after 4 minutes – if your steak has deep grill marks and the color looks close to what you want on your plate, it’s time to flip.

Once it’s done you can impress your guests, maybe even yourself, with the culinary potential you never even knew you had!

Need a visual aide? Check out this Steak for Dummies Video with Kirk Lein.

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