Look Back at A Legend

“The difference between the forgettable and the enduring is artistry.” The infamous words of Bill Bernbach, Advertising pioneer who made a name for himself in the late depression era in New York City. Above is Bernbach’s most famous ad for Volkswagen.

Almost thirty years after his passing (He would have celebrated his 100th birthday this month), Bernbach’s innovative advertising techniques are still used today. An out-of-the-box way of thinking and an extreme devotion to creativity are what garnered respect from the industries top ad executives of his time.  Bernbach’s most notable contribution to the industry was combining copy writers and art directors into one cohesive team of equals- a system that remains a part of today’s ever expanding ad market.

“Advertising is not a science, it is persuasion, and persuasion is an art, it is intuition that leads to discovery, to inspiration, it is the artist who is capable of making the consumer feel desire.”

Bernbach was ahead of his times back in the 1960′s and probably never even foresaw how true his theory would prove to be.  In a world of lightening fast digital media, Bernbach’s  notion to create beautiful, artistic ads to lure the customer in is the only way any company has a chance these days.

Check out this video short of Bernbach as he explains his thinking behind some of his best ads. Grab your ipad, you might learn a thing or two!

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