Advertising Types: Pop Quiz!

How well do you know your advertising?

As you may already know, advertising is an essential medium for any successful business. So, how well do you know the various types of advertising that exists?

  1. Print advertising includes newspapers, magazines, brochures and fliers.
  2. True


  3. Trade-shows, billboards, kiosks, and events are all examples of:
  4. Outdoor Advertising

    Situational Advertising

  5. Broadcast advertising used this apparatus in the early 1900′s to nationalize products:
  6. Telegrams


  7. Mini Cooper sales soared after the movie The Italian Job. Advertising in movies is known as:
  8. Flick Advertising

    Covert Advertising

  9. An advertisement has the logo or brand of another company advertised within it. This is called:
  10. Stopgap Advertising

    Surrogate Advertising

  11. Advertising for social causes is also known as:
  12. Humane Advertising

    Public Service Advertising

  13. Using a celebrity to promote a certain product or service is known as:
  14. Celebrity Advertising

    VIP Advertising

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