Can Less Be More For Your Website?

Websites are a delicate creature.  You want to engage your customers but not overwhelm them.  You want to give them information about your products or services but you don’t want to bore them with details.  You want to make things easily accessible but not clutter your home page.  Before you make changes to your current site here are a few ideas to keep in mind.

Complicated animation can really ruin a user’s experience.  When implementing flash-based animation give it a test run.  If the animation slows down your site, that might be a hint to remove it.  Flash based animations may also hinder your search engine optimization efforts.  You can remove the animation from your site for a set period of time and if you notice your metrics are on the rise this may be a tell-tale sign.

Industry Jargon. When creating the text on your site you have to think about the customer’s point of view.  They are the ones trying to understand your site and what you can offer to them.  If they are reading through your site and have trouble with the language they might just leave the site right then and there.  Sure, using some jargon may help your business appear credible and on top of industry standards, but if you don’t take the time to explain the jargon to your customers it will hurt you in the end.

Have you ever read an article or a website where you have no idea what they are talking about?  It’s quite frustrating.  Think about newspapers. These are often written on an 8th grade reading level.  This helps everyone to understand the message which you are trying to convey.

Images. Just about every website you visit has images and if it doesn’t, well it’s not very appealing.  But how do you tell if your site has too many images?  Sometimes having too many images can slow download speeds for visitors coming to your site.  Search engines take this into consideration when ranking your page, and if it takes too long to load, your page’s ranking will suffer.  It’s always good to clean out the old.  I definitely learned this from watching Hoarders this weekend.  But besides that, your website may collect a great deal of images that no longer apply to your company’s current situation.  Getting rid of these old images is one way to really clean up your site.

“Contact Us” forms. Most sites have a contact us page listing their address, phone number, and an email contact.  Others have a form to contact the company but often times it is very generic.  Having a generic contact form is more likely to attract spam as opposed to qualified leads.  Creating a landing page with forms dedicated to special offers will be much more successful.

Sometimes too much on your site is too much.  Less can be more.  If you think you have a good idea in place for your site but you are struggling to keep consistent traffic, maybe these are some of your issues.  Give it a shot and see how this can help your  site!

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