3 Tips to Increase Your Blog’s Lead Generation Potential

Blogs are great for many reasons.  The best ones add value to your website, discuss new topics and trends within an industry, and can also enhance your lead-generation efforts.  Getting to the stage where your blog can generate some business for you can be the tough part, so we have a few tips to help you along the way.

1.Create a publication schedule. Your blog should be fun to read and engaging for your visitors.  By scheduling when you blog and sticking to this schedule it allows your visitors to become accustomed to new content.  Oftentimes people are initially very excited about their blog and post all the time.  As time goes on they lose the initial excitement and their posts slow down and eventually the passion wears away.  It is good to create a schedule but allow some room to change things if necessary.  Sometimes a hot topic will emerge from the news and these things you cannot ignore when blogging.

2.Edit, edit, edit. You can’t say it enough.  When you have content containing typos or misspellings it looks sloppy.  You will immediately lose your credibility, especially from first time visitors. A good idea is to type your posts into a word document before posting the piece on your blog.  Programs meant for word processing typically have much more in-depth editing features when compared to WordPress or other blogging platforms.

3.Target your most important keywords. These keywords are the ones that someone would be searching for to find your article.  By “keywording” these words or phrases outsiders are more likely to find your content and the exact content they want.

There are a great deal of ways to increase your blog’s lead generation potential but these are some of the biggest tips to get you going in the right direction.

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