Groupon: Google, you can’t have everything

Groupon rejects Google takeoverSo the latest buzz is, of course, all about the two big G’s: Groupon vs. Google.

It’s a battle for the new business age. An interesting duel that has no doubt left Google with a bitter taste in its mouth after Groupon’s rumored rejection of the search monster’s $6 billion bid.

Take a second to think about what I just said – Just two years into existence, this rookie online local marketing phenom has built an empire that Google (which pretty much runs the world at this point) is willing to offer $6 billion to own. Which means that the nice people at Google probably think Groupon is worth even more than that – or at least to them it would be.

They may still publicly be going through negotiations, but we think the subtext sounds a lot more like this…

Groupon: Na na nana na! No deal!

Google: Well sh*t!!

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Nike’s Loyalty to Tiger Woods Pays Off

Ad Age posted an article recently about Tiger Woods and his effect on Nike.  Everyone knows the story of his scandal, so no need to go into that, but they decided to take another approach.  Some of his top sponsorship deals for companies, Gatorade, AT&T, and Accenture felt his scandal would be disastrous for their image.  They decided to cut bait and drop Tiger from as a sponsor.  Others such as Nike, EA Sports, NetJets, and TLC Laser Eye Centers have decided to keep him on board but limiting his role for the time being.

Some questioned whether keeping him on board as a sponsor would hurt Continue reading

Google Editions: Coming Soon?

Google may soon be testing the waters in digital publishing with their bookstore Google Editions.  Some expected the bookstore to hit the ground running during the summer months but Google had some fine tuning to do.  They didn’t want to release this new sector of the company without having everything thoroughly planned out.  Many believe they have a tough battle ahead of them with Apple and Amazon owning a great deal of the market share in the field.

Google Editions does come with a twist Continue reading